As a former start-up and successful digital company, it is our task to invest in the digital future of Germany. For us, this includes supporting young, talented people, getting them interested in future-oriented professions at an early stage and providing them with relevant skills.
In addition to traditional entry-level opportunities such as apprenticeships, dual study programs, student traineeships, or internships, we invest in various initiatives and programs to promote young IT talent among schoolchildren and students. In this article, you can find out about the spectrum we already cover.
To give children who would otherwise not have found access to IT careers access to programming, the Hacker School goes directly into schools. In the familiar environment, basic programming skills are shown in 4-hour "taster courses," initial small projects are created, and insights into the exciting career field of IT are provided. Feedback from the first run at Berlin schools: more than two-thirds of the students would recommend the customers to others.
It is important to us to make our contribution to professional orientation. By supporting the Hacker School, we want to give girls and boys the opportunity at an early stage to acquire basic programming skills without pressure and as playfully as possible and to explore their future options in the technology industry. In the weekend courses, the children can take their first steps toward the digital professional world. They learn programming languages such as Java, Python, and Co. and develop their own apps, games, or websites. Then, working in a team, they can playfully discover their skills and interests and enjoy their sense of achievement.
We have been running the courses at various CHECK24 locations for several years now, most recently in Berlin in April. In four weekend courses, seven colleagues showed the kids our world. Our goal of teaching children comprehensive digital skills beyond Fortnite was successful.
More than a year ago, we launched our IT student scholarship. The initiative came directly from our CTO and is a heartfelt project to boost incredibly gifted tech talent around Munich to get into IT.
The scholarship aims at 10th and 11th-grade students with solid technical enthusiasm who have already implemented their IT projects. During the scholarship year, we support the girls and boys in their IT group projects and encourage them to consistently pursue software/web development as their professional goal. The scholarship holders can discuss their projects with CHECK24 trainers in monthly tech sessions and ask questions. In addition, there are lightning talks on various tech topics during the session. Giving them access to the knowledge and experience of our employees through mentoring is another elementary component of the scholarship. Of course, fun should be addressed too - at the kickoff, summer, and final event, the scholarship holders come together for networking and informal exchange with each other and the mentors. The fellows also receive monthly financial support.
Currently, we get to mentor the second round of the scholarship and see how the students progress from session to session, deepening their IT knowledge and applying their newly learned tech skills directly to their projects. You can apply for the next round starting in autumn 2021 here.
The best thing about the scholarship is the support I get from my mentor and the support I get with my own programming projects.
Lena, Schülerstipendiatin 2020
The Deutschlandstipendium supports talented and high-achieving students at universities in Germany in cooperation with the federal government. And we do our part as a sponsoring partner at various CHECK24 locations. In addition to first-class grades, social commitment, extraordinary personal achievements, and social and family situations are considered when awarding the scholarship. The scholarship gives students the opportunity, in addition to their studies, to continue creating space for this commitment and their personal development by getting to know companies better and gaining insights into possible career paths. In this way, we have supported high-performing young IT professionals throughout Germany for several years.
In cooperation with the career network e-fellows, we support several students per semester with the e-fellows IT scholarship. In addition to financial support, we support the scholarship holders in their professional development through a mentor and direct contact with IT departments. Participating in internal workshops and tech talks gives them insight into software development. We also offer scholarship holders various entry-level opportunities for an even deeper understanding of the IT world.
Because the scholarship not only includes support and an IT manager as a mentor but also offers the opportunity to gain practical experience in all areas of modern IT systems - the perfect complement to my studies!
Robyn, scholarship holder, working student
To promote and support the development of interns & working students employed at CHECK24, we have set up an internal talent pool program. This consists of three pillars:
Exchange & Network
Training and development
Students are enrolled in the Students Pool by participating in a Coding Challenge. After being accepted, they can expect a diverse program consisting of, e.g., their own career buddy, career breakfast or Q&A with engaging IT colleagues, training, challenging hackathons, training, and a few other incentives. Students remain in the program throughout their time at CHECK24. The program starts with a summer fireside evening with our CTO in July.
We hope to be able to accompany many more young talents on their way and set the course for their professional future.