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Alina, Management Consultant
Alina, Management Consultant

08. July 2024

Alina, Management Consultant

Alina has been working as a Management Consultant in Munich since November 2023. She shares with us the tasks she is responsible for and the challenges and joys involved. You will also learn about the role of team spirit and authenticity in her work in the interview.

Hello Alina, please introduce yourself briefly.

Hello! I’m Alina, and I started as a Management Consultant at CHECK24 last November. I’m originally from Munich and studied Management and Technology at TUM.

Was genau sind Deine Aufgaben als Junior Management Consultant?

I am currently involved in setting up a new start-up, which means we are developing a new comparison platform that will go live later this year. My main role here is that of a backend product manager. On the product management side, I am responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of the C2B payment process. Additionally, I have a consulting function: after conducting a competitive analysis and weighing the risks, I was able to present various options for the payment process to my superior and provide a well-informed recommendation.

What do you love most about your job?

I don’t have to think twice about this: my colleagues! As this is my first full-time job after graduating, I had many concerns about what daily teamwork would look like - I was afraid of a monotonous, impersonal daily routine. My expectations were far exceeded, in a positive way.

The best thing about CHECK24?

We are a young, ambitious team. Everyone takes responsibility, we support and challenge each other.

Alina, Management Consultant

Without which skills are you stranded in consulting?

Criticism and teamwork skills. I believe that for beginners or career changers in consulting, it's crucial to be open to others' feedback. I often seek feedback from colleagues on my work before presenting it to our superior. It's important to leverage others' experience and avoid a lone wolf mentality.

I've found that asking for advice brings our team together. And if my superior expects a different outcome than what I present, it's about staying committed, implementing feedback effectively, and trying again.

Which past achievements of your team are you particularly proud of?

I'm referring to our current project. It was great to see that the first app testing, where the frontend and backend were integrated, worked. Seeing that all the backend work functions as we designed it to - that was a fantastic experience.

And finally, tell us: What's the best advice you've ever received?

A great piece of advice I once received during a seminar in my bachelor's studies was to become aware of my own values and priorities and integrate them into my studies or job.

For me, authenticity and honesty are very important - I integrate these values by transparently communicating when I don't understand something or have a different opinion than others.

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